‘Mother’s Boy’ by Patrick Gale

Home Forums Medina Post-Books Reading Group ‘Mother’s Boy’ by Patrick Gale


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    charlotte beadle

    Theis latest novel from one of the UK’s best loved authors Patrick Gale charts the relationship between the young Charles Causley and his mother.

    It seemed very appropriate to be sending this out to Post Books subscribers on Mothering Sunday, especially as the author grew up on the Isle of Wight, his father the former governor of Parkhurst Prison.

    Here’s an extract of Patrick reading from the book and here he is talking about Charles Causley.

    Let us know what you think.

    Happy Reading!


    Barbara R

    Enjoyed reading this. So well written. Insight into life between the wars in a small community.
    Dealt with the prejudices of the time with empathy.Many poignant moments.
    By the end I felt I knew Charles Causley

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