Isle of Wight Book Awards 2022
As one of the main sponsors, Medina Bookshop is delighted to announce the twenty-one books longlisted for the Isle of Wight Book Awards 2022 as judged by Alan Titchmarsh, Joanna Trollope and Hunter Davies.
The awards aim to encourage the writing, reading, and publishing of books about the Isle of Wight; to draw attention to the beauty and glories and heritage of the Isle of Wight; to reward and praise authors, many of whom will perhaps never have produced a book before.
The three categories open were Fiction, Non-Fiction and Children’s. And of the 71 entries, the longlist is an eclectic mix of novels, non-fiction, memoirs, poetry, guidebooks, and picture books, all published in the last five years.
To see all the books chosen, see the alphabetical list below:
The Curious Death Of William Bacchus by Lawrence Harvey
Fools Gold by Alan Barbara
Furthest South by Robin McInnes
The Glass House by Jody Cooksley
The Golden Stone by Jules Marriner
Grass Green Stockings by Marion Carmichael
Hexed by Julia Tuffs
A History Of Women’s Lives On The Isle Of Wight by Daisy Plant
The Infamous Sophie Dawes by Adrian Searle
Inside Parkhurst by David Berridge
An Island Legacy by Kenneth Hicks
Isle And Empires by Stephan Roman
Isle Of Memories by Jo Cooper
Just An Isle Of Wight Seaside Landlady by Sandra Ferguson
Light And Love by Kirsty Stonell Walker
Measuring the Moments by Gus Jonsson
My Friends By The Beach by Meg L Hewison
Nammet edited by Caroline Gurney-Champion
Nature Calls by Jules Marriner
Out on an Island edited by Franko Figueiredo-Stow and Caroline Diamond
Shanklin Esplanade Through Time by Shanklin & District History Society
The judges will announce the final winner at the Grand Literary Lunch held on Monday 12th September at the Island Sailing Club in Cowes from 12.30 p.m. Good luck to all the authors!